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Xikar Butane 400ml 2-Pack

Item # XKBUC1-1004

Xikar Butane 400ml 2-Pack

Item # XKBUC1-1004
MSRPMSRP stands for "manufacturer's suggested retail price," which is the price recommended by the manufacturer or exclusive distributor for retail sale. This suggested retail price, also referred to as the "list price," serves as a guideline for pricing the product. LEARN MORE.
| save $2.39
In Stock
Pack of 2 400ml
Shipping Constraints:
  • Due to shipping and carrier regulations, adding this item to your order will cause your entire order to be shipped via a slower, ground method. Shipping times up to 3 weeks could occur depending on your location. This item can be shipped within the Continental US only.
  • Xikar premium butane 2-pack
  • Clean, triple refined butane
  • Near zero impurities
  • Less than 30 parts per million impurities
  • Won't cause clogged burner valves or misfires

Note: To comply with FAA regulations, this item must ship via standard shipping and may not be expedited.

13.53 mL
Has Adapter
Times Refined

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