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A Signature cigar above the rest. The Aganorsa farm has been growing and cultivating Nicaraguan tobaccos for a long time and, a few years back, they decided to create their own line of cigars with these prime tobaccos. Their latest and greatest blend is Signature Selection. This rare and sought-after premium is aged for seven years, and features a small amount of Medio Tempo leaf mixed with Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99 long-fillers that’s all wrapped up in a Rosado Claro Corojo ’99 leaf. Rich, sweet, and spicy, Signature Selection Toro is a medium to full-bodied gem available in limited quantities. Add them to your cart before they’re sold out.
Please note: this cigar has recently received new packaging. You may receive red and gold banded cigars instead of white and gold. Please note that it is the same blend.
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