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Our Promise from Thompson Cigar
We will deliver every item in our catalog as fast as possible. There will be times when we will not be able to provide certain items due to circumstances beyond our control. Our representatives will be more than happy to suggest other items of like quality and value. Thompson reserves the right to substitute cigars of equal or higher value due to availability.
We also reserve the right to limit amounts and quantities of any order. Most recent catalog price prevails. Prices and promotions in this catalog are valid for 30 days.
Thompson does not sell to retailers, nor does it otherwise, sell or ship on a wholesale basis. All items sold by Thompson are intended for personal consumption by its customers and resale, thereof, is strictly prohibited.
Since 1915 Thompson Cigar has promised… Your Satisfaction is 100% GUARANTEED
As America's oldest mail order cigar company, we have the pleasure of serving customers from coast to coast and beyond. We do our best to please everyone but know that doesn't always happen. With that said if you're not satisfied, let us know, by calling Customer Care at 1-800-573-9099, within 30 days of your purchase to request a prompt exchange, credit or refund.
How Our Return Policy Works:
Cigars — For cigars by the box or bundle of 20 cigars or more, we allow a 1 stick allowance but the remaining cigars must be returned in order to receive a full merchandise credit, less shipping charges. If you try more than 1, pro-rata credit is applied, less shipping charges. For samplers and 5-packs, returns must be in new, unopened condition to receive full credit. This includes having cigars in their cellophane wrappers. Please keep the original packaging and any accessories to return with the item and do not return any cut or smoked cigars, as this may affect your refund.
Pipes — If you are not satisfied with your pipe for any reason, you may return the item within 30 days of receipt of your order for an exchange, credit, or refund. Returns take up to 3-10 business days from receiving a return to process. Only pipes that have not been smoked are eligible for return. We stand behind every pipe we sell to be free of defect for one year. Warranty does not include stem, mouthpiece, excess wear and tear, and cracks due to dropping.
Pipe Tobacco — If you feel your tobacco was not manufactured to the highest of standards - or if the tobacco is not what you ordered – please contact us immediately. With the exception of damaged or defective product, only unopened containers are eligible for return within 30 days of receipt of your order.
All Other Merchandise—For any other merchandise outside Cigars, Pipes and Pipe Tobacco, may be returned within 30 days upon receipt of your order for an exchange, credit or refund. Any merchandise returned, must be new and in the packaging with the exception of any damage or defects. Returns take up to 3-10 business days from receiving a return to process.
Returns Shipping Address - 1911 Spillman Drive, Bethlehem PA 18015
In addition, any promotional items that came with the item you are returning must be returned or you will be charged for the retail price of the promotional item(s)